What is Schola Cantorum?

The Schola Cantorum of Waynesboro, founded in 1996, was established to provide accomplished local singers with the opportunity to study and perform the masterworks of great composers. The ensemble's name, derived from the medieval Latin for "school of singers," reflects its mission: to challenge its members to achieve excellence in classical music and to share this artistry with the broader community for both enjoyment and education.

Comprised of approximately 55 auditioned singers from Waynesboro and nearby cities and counties, Schola Cantorum's repertoire spans from the Renaissance to contemporary works, including American composers and ethnically inspired pieces. Through its performances, the group promotes the art of choral singing, creating captivating experiences for audiences while fostering a deep appreciation for choral music.

Since its inception, the ensemble has performed numerous renowned works, including J.S. Bach's Magnificat, Maurice Duruflé's Requiem, Gabriel Fauré's Requiem, Handel's Messiah, and Mendelssohn's Elijah. Schola has also presented Haydn's Mass in Time of War and Te Deum, as well as Puccini's Gloria.

Schola Cantorum is dedicated to performing works as the composers intended, whether with orchestra, soloists, piano, organ, or a cappella. In addition to their regular Fall and Spring concerts, the ensemble aims to expand its performance schedule, tackling more ambitious works and offering the community more opportunities to engage with classical music. Smaller groups within the ensemble also perform at community events, hospitals, libraries, churches, and retirement homes.

We rehearse on from September—May on Tuesday evenings at First Baptist. Rehearsals are from 7pm—9pm. New singers are welcome to join us at the beginning of each semester (fall and spring). If you are interested in joining us, please email us at scholacantorumwaynesboro@gmail.com.

Rehearsal Information